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About Us

Get to know who we are, what shapes our vision, and our team.


Every great story starts with a beginning.

When Burge Financial Engines was founded, we set out to improve the financial health and security of middle-income America. Today, our values continue to guide us, and our mission is more urgent than ever.

The Burge Financial Engines Story



Adam was introduced to the Financial Services industry by his mother, Frances Burge. Frances built a massive financial service organization. She taught by word and example what it means to be honest, reliable, hardworking, and financially secure.


Adam invests time, money, and an incredible effort into building an organization of his own under Frances’ tutelage. That effort led to Adam making his first million at 24 years old.


After enjoying personal success beyond what even he could have imagined, Adam dedicated himself to paying it forward with the guidance and mentorship Frances afforded him when he was a new advisor trying to find his way in the industry.

In 2020..

The Burge Financial Engines parent company, The Alliance, partners with Integrity Marketing Group. This strategic partnership provided an incredible opportunity for new advisors and agency managers alike. Integrity specializes in technology driven insurance solutions. Integrity’s platform allows advisors to run their businesses more efficiently and help more families in the process. But the real opportunity in working with Integrity is that every advisor can build an agency of their own and partner directly with them.

And now..?

Today we’re still hard at work building a brighter future for our clients. In the past year we have introduced more carriers, new products, and better tools. For more information on what we’ve been able to accomplish, please contact us. We would love to chat with you!